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Project details

The Project Details page is where you can view important information and details about the imagery project. This can be accessed from the Imagery Projects List by clicking View Details of your desired imagery project. If you are the owner of the project, information about the imagery project can be edited. You can view the following in Project Details for a base and observation imagery project:

  • Title
  • Type
  • Summary
  • Instructions
  • Tags
  • Owner
  • Date Created
  • Focused Imagery Layer and Image IDs
  • Imagery
  • Webmap and Operational Layers (if applicable)

In addition, if you view the project details of an observation project, you also see the observation layers that are a part of the observation imagery project. You can open the imagery project or navigate back to the Project List from this view.

Edit project details

If you are the project owner, you can make textual edits to your project's details. An edit button appears next to the editable fields. These include Project Name, Project Summary, Project Description, and Analyst Instructions. To edit project details:

  1. Navigate to the Project Details of your desired project.
  2. Click the Edit button on the Project Name, Project Summary, Project Description, or Analyst Instructions
  3. Edit your text.
  4. Click Save to update your details. Click Cancel to revert to the original text.

Delete an imagery project from Project Details

If you are the owner of an imagery project, you can delete an imagery project from the View Details experience. To delete a project:

  1. Navigate to the Project Details of your desired project.
  2. Click Delete Project.
  3. Click Delete to permanently delete your project. Additionally, click Cancel to navigate back to View Details.

Add an observation layer to your imagery project

You can add an existing observation layer to your imagery project to collect observations from your imagery or create a new observation layer to fit your project needs. To add an observation layer, see Choose an existing observation layer and Create an observation layer.