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Create the Space Planner app

Available for an ArcGIS organization licensed with the Indoors extension.

Verify your map and layers online

To create an Indoor Space Planner app, you need to choose a web map as the starting point. Check out the map after publishing and make sure the required layers and tables are there. Share the map as needed and save any changes required. This verification is important. Required layers for Space Planner must be in place for the app to be deployed.

Create the Space Planner app

Once the planning web map is configured and the required layers and tables have been verified, it is recommended to create the Space Planner app from the web map item page.

  1. Browse to your web map item page in the ArcGIS Enterprise portal.
  2. From the web map item page, choose Create web app and click Configurable Apps.
  3. Once presented with this list, search for Indoor and choose Indoor Space Planner.

This will create the Space Planner app with your web map as the source. You can continue in the configurator and switch to a different web map, or close the configurator and start creating plans in the map you previously selected. Configuration of the app only requires the selection of a web map from your Indoors organization.

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