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What is ArcGIS Mission

ArcGIS Mission is a web app in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8. ArcGIS Mission is a geospatial communications and situational awareness tool. ArcGIS Mission allows you to create, share, and monitor maps, teams, and other materials for use in operations. The unique ArcGIS Mission peer-to-peer mobile communication tools allow users to interact with mission teams in real time.

ArcGIS Mission has three components: Manager, Responder, and Server.

ArcGIS Mission Manager

The ArcGIS Mission Manager web app is where missions are built and organized. It includes tools for map construction, organizing teams, communications, and more. Manager offers multiple roles to help users make the most of the tools. For more information, see Introduction to ArcGIS Mission Manager.

ArcGIS Mission Responder

ArcGIS Mission Responder allows mission engagement through a mobile app. Responder helps participants maintain communication and awareness of each other by providing peer-to-peer communication tools and geolocation tracking for every mission member. For more information, see Introduction to ArcGIS Mission Responder.

ArcGIS Mission Server

ArcGIS Mission Server is an ArcGIS Enterprise server that links Manager and Responder. It is optimized for communication and allows peer-to-peer communication between mobile users while simultaneously enabling and updating the web app. For more information, see Introduction to ArcGIS Mission Server.