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What's new in ArcGIS Mission

ArcGIS Mission 1.1 is a web app starting at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8. ArcGIS Mission is a geospatial communications and situational awareness tool. ArcGIS Mission allows you to create, share, and monitor maps, teams, and other materials for use in operations. ArcGIS Mission has three components: Manager, Responder, and Server.

The ArcGIS Mission Manager web app is where missions are built and organized. ArcGIS Mission Responder allows mission engagement through a mobile app. ArcGIS Mission Server is an ArcGIS Enterprise server that links Manager and Responder. For more information, see What is ArcGIS Mission.

What's new in ArcGIS Mission

  • Creation of a Dashboard – This provides a view of all geographic information to help you monitor events going on in your mission.
  • Mission Reports – This form is authored by mission analysts and filled out by mission members in the field.
  • Tasks – You can assign specific tasks to Mission Responders in the field to be completed by a certain date.
  • Events List - The list of the present events that occur from the time you connect to the mission in the mission analyst view.
  • Mission Time – You can filter to a specific time in your mission to view an event.

What's new in ArcGIS Mission Responder

  • iOS integration and interoperability with Android - Responder can now be used on both iOS and Android devices during the same mission.
  • Tasks and Reports - Responder users now have the ability to receive and carry out tasks created for them by mission analysts, and can submit reports on mission events.
  • Peer-to-peer workflows - Responder users can continue to participate in a mission and communicate with other Responder users, even when the connection with ArcGIS Mission Server has been lost, using P2P capabilities.

What's new in ArcGIS Mission Server

  • High-availability capability – ArcGIS Mission Server can now be joined in a highly-available configuration.
  • REST API – ArcGIS Mission Server has created new ways for developers to leverage Server REST API. New features include:
    • Mission creation
    • Stream Layer UI - developers can now subscribe to mission tracks layers.
    • Enhanced security